Life Can be Beautiful When Your Living From Purpose with Pin Cher

Pin Cher is an Ex Corporate Badass, and now lives a purpose driven life as a personal development & career coach.

She comes from a diverse and international background. Her grandparents escaped China in the greta famine of the 1960’s and built a life in Germany.

Her passion lies in ย working and coaching with corporate professionals and high performers to achieve even greater success unlocking their professional and personal potential and create an intentional, ย meaningful life that lights them up.

In the past Pin felt stuck and lost in her own career direction. This painful ย experience taught her valuable lessons and insights, and she now loves to share her experience & knowledge in helping others achieve their own success ย and unlocking their hidden genius.

Pin works as a certified ย coach within the Jay Shetty Certification School.

You can find more about Pin on her socials and website as below:


ย LinkedIn


If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never ย ย Settle podcast Mel is also a Lifeย Purpose Coach &ย Reiki Healer ย ย helping people come out of chaos toย find their purpose driven direction ย ย in life.

You can find Mel on her Website, Insta or Facebook.

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