From Corporate Sales to Purpose Driven Millionaire Entrepreneur by Dan Holloway

In today’s episode Dan tells his story of being unfilfilled in corporate sales which led to him starting his online business and travelling the world. 

Knowing he wasn’t happy where he was, online marketing seemed to be the easiest way for Dan to quit the day job and go travelling, 

Giving himself a timeline before running out of money Dan made a success of his affiliate marketing business, then sold everything he owned, packed a suitcase with his laptop, boarded a plane and Hello World!

After 15 months of  travelling and whilst kayaking in Halang Bay Vietnam , he caught himself  feeling a little empty and thinking oh just another day in paradise. How dare I think that? It felt like when a new job loses its shine, and he then realised he needed more from life. 

2019 saw self reflection and self development through courses like Landmark and experiences including plant medicine, because having reached the pinacle of his material goals, he needed more purpose.

Through that journey Dan realised that the end result was not important, and that the journey it takes to achieve those goals was where he had the most fun and motivation. Appreciating the journey every day and helping others and the environment became ever more essential.

What keeps driving him has changed.  Originally it was different levels run by the ego, these days its about continually evolving and changing as a spiritually aware human being.  

Giving back and helping people move forward is a large part of it. Is that the ego driving or is it him the person? He believes that through devotion which is how you show up, a state of being if you like, is how you show up naturally. 

On advice to others Dan says have trust faith and belief. Others have done it therefore I can too. Looking back over his life Dan realised he’d got over every challenge before and so he could do the same with new challenges. This, Dan says, is the same for everyone listeming to this podcast. 

One thing not to do ? Stop listening to the little voice in your head that is telling you to stay safe and do nothing.  And learn to trust in the process, as it will give you the ability to move into a new reality and supersede your old programming. 

Take baby steps, even if you dont know the how, just one small thing that will move you forwards in the new area you would like to learn more about.. 

If you would like to learn more about Dan and connect you can find him on : 

Youtube Dan Holloway


or check out his new eco friendly Bamboobar Deodorant: 

Mel Clarke is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer and helps     people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in    life.  You can find out more about Mel on her Website, Insta or Facebook

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