My Huge ‘Why’ to Success with Cordelia Kate

Cordelia is a shining example of a woman that does not want to settle. 

She met her ‘to be’ husband at the age of 15, had 3 children, but after 12 years in that relationship it became clear to Cordelia that she needed to change her life. 

As a student nurse and pregant with child number three Cordelia decided they needed to start an online business they could do together to light her husband up. That business didn’t really pay well and didn’t encourage her husband and Cordelia was left to do everything. After 2 years of hard work she gave up.  However this experience lead Cordelia into finding SFM (Six Figure Mentors) which accelerated her knowledge and online marketing skills. 

A few months into this new journey, wanting to be at events and not at home and after a life changing retreat in the Dominican Republic, Cordelia realised her marriage was holding her back and not letting her self express in the way she needed and wanted to. 

Although scared to end her relationship, a conversation with her mentor was a pivotal moment of waking up and realising she couldnt hold her self back any longer. Her partner didn’t want to share the growth or her journey , so it was inevitable. A big argument later and Cordelia packed all her things in the car grabbed her children and went to her mums. Luckily her step dad had just bought a caravan which became home for the next 6 weeks. 

But then the magic started for a while. She found a new house after being rejected by 2 landlords, and third time lucky she found the perfect home. There was no furniture but it was her own place. 

The scariest part for Cordelia was admitting she was single mum but once she did, life was great albeit it fast and hectic. Then with a new boyfriend in toe she had a serious car crash. The next 6 months of recouping made her realise she hadn’t even grieved for her lost marriage and in slowing down she was able to process the changes. 

By early 2019 she was single again, in £60k of debt, and seriously needed to get finaincial stability. So after doing a lot of business coaching for SFM and running webinars, she realised she could start her own coaching business. Cordelia loves entrepreneurs who have a real passion about whatever their product or service is. 

By early 2020 she decided to put her parachute on and jump into her own business. Coaching anyone and everyone she built her confidence up and took a coaching accreditation. Through sound advice she then started to communicate with her existing network rather than paid advertising and got paying clients. 

And of course then Covid hit so she asked the question ‘how can I add value to people right now?’ With that the Rebellious Network was born, which has become her passion and she frickin loves it. 

On reflection and quoting Tony Robbins Cordelia states that ‘Most of the time spent agonising is building up to the decision, actually making the decision happens in a split second’.   

If you want to reach out to Cordelia you can find her at, Facebook or Insta

As well as podcast host Mel Clarke is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in life. You can find out more about Mel on her Website, Insta or Facebook

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