Reaching the Zenith of Your Inauthentic Life by Clair Taylor Powell

It was such a pleasure for me in today’s episode to speak with my Acupuncturist and friend Clair Taylor Powell. Previously in the RAF, Clair realised at the grand old age of 42 that she was deeply unhappy and after 3 years in the wilderness began to head for home and changed her life completely. 

Clair talks about our spiritualty and humaness being like a coin, and depending on which side the coin falls depends on what element of yourself you present in the moment. 

So many people live in fear and need, and avoid joyfulness at all costs, as better the devil you know is better than the fear of ‘what if there’s nothing better than this?’

0-42 for Clair was playing the victim,  not being authentic and settling for less than she was. A pivotal 3 days at 42 saw her mother die from a stroke and her partner of 12 years tell her he wasn’t coming home. The sheer awfulness of that time forced her into acting on what she knew to be the truth, and decided to end the relationship. 

3 years in the wilderness and having acupuncture herself, Clair quickly realised she wanted to leave the RAF and after training in NLP, she then trained to be an acupuncturist. She has since expanded her energy work into colour mirrors, sound healing and tarot cards.

If you are feeling sad or stuck right now Clair invites you to ask yourself 2 questions:

1. How does it serve me to stay in this place of joylessness?

2. What is the purpose of choosing to stay in this situation?

If you would like to reach out to Clair for a chat or more information you can find her hanging out at or or simply send your queries on email to

Mel Clarke is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer and helps    people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in   life.  You can find out more about Mel on her Website, Insta or Facebook

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