The Immense Value of Ultimate Contribution Uncovered with Megan Gibson

Today’s chat is with Megan Gibson who has already been featured on this podcast before. Megan is a friend and coach of mine and works in the same facilitation program as myself called Ultimate Contribution Uncovered. This program allows facilitators like us to reflect peoples values back to them allowing them to fully realise their Vision for themselves and the world, and how they can make that a reality through their mission statement and goal strategy. 

To really live this work we have to concentrate more on being intentional about aligning with our core values and embodying them every day. 

Megan started this pathway originally from a business brand perspective, but quickly saw it was more important for people to be in alignment with who they are first and see themselves from the inside out. This makes for a winning formula to be better in business and better in life. 

Doing this work and having the self realisations allows you to recognise when your core value’s are out of balance or being ignored in favour of another value. My top value is honesty and yet I was dishonest to myself for many years. Until we go through the discovery and uncover what we can’t see for ourselves, and actually have the language for it, it is almost impossible to keep on the right aligned path. 

Knowing our core values gives us frame of reference, and then we can get called out on it when we are not living into our values, and do something about it with a clear direction.  

In the chaos of the Covid world people are finding it even tougher to deal with experiences, and differences of opinions. When you don’t know the core of who you are, you can’t bring yourself back into balance when chaos ensues. We always need to come back to our values. 

Megs suggests if you’re feeling in confusion and want to do something to move out of it, a great way to start is journaling or writing your thoughts down. It always helps to get things out either verbally or through writing. 

Also ask yourself ‘what is important to me?’ Contemplate that. Its really hard to answer this on your own without someone reflecting your thoughts  back to you. We never want to see ourselves as wrong and it’s too easy to brush things over and lie to ourselves. We need to stop looking externally for answers or blame and look internally. 

You can also reach out to Megs at

If you want to have a chat about how this work may help you please reach out to me personally and book a free call here

As well as podcast host Mel Clarke is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer helping people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven direction in life. You can find out more about Mel on her Website, Insta or Facebook

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