Create The Thoughts You Want To Have And Don’t Fear Rejection with Fletcher Ellingson

Personal development became important to Fletcher Ellingson when he was only in 10 years old in elementary school as he remembers a really influential speaker at his school talking about positivity, and had a sticker that he looked at every day ‘Start your day with PMA expect something wonderful to happen’. This kick started Fletchers journey into wanting the best life for himself.

Fletcher started his entrepreneurship from a young age with a grass cutting business, as he got older and as he loves magic he busked when he was in college (including his family in the show), which then lead to being asked to do corporate gigs. 

He had a business that crashed and burned early days, which meant he was on food stamps, with a family of 5 and not being able to pay his mortgage. This didn’t stop Fletcher though and he and a friend approached a local website firm and were given 3 months work unpaid to improve their business and sell websites on a statewide level. And guess what it worked, with this business still thriving today.

A pivotal moment for Flectcher was when he read Tony Robbins book ‘Awaken the Giant Within’. He realised from that moment that we all the power within to change our lives, and thats what he did.

He also talks about The Rejection Experiment, which is basically approaching people or situations for something that you want, in the knowledge that you may well get rejected. This is a real empowerer and strengthens your inner resolve.

Fletcher Ellingson is now a speaker, coach, and founder of Ellingson Enterprises, a coaching and training company. Fletcher helps people  evolve their thinking in order to solve their biggest challenges around  time, money and people allowing them to powerfully fulfill their  mission.

In addition to over 25 years of speaking,  coaching, and performing for audiences across the United States, he and  his wife Amy, host a weekly television show during which they address  topics of health, wealth, and relationships. Having gone through losing a  business to building a multi-million dollar business and having worked  with a wide variety of organizations he is able to help shift a  companyโ€™s collective thinking. The result is the ability to expeditiously close operational and visionary gaps allowing new levels  of productivity and culture. 

This 2 min. video provides a glimpse into his work. 

If you want to find out more about Fletcher you can go to his :




If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, the host of The Never     Settle podcast Mel is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Healer     helping people come out of chaos to find their purpose driven   direction   in life.

You can find Mel on her Website, Insta or Facebook.

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