Listen to Your Soul with Florentina Gionea

Florentina Gionea hasn't had the easiest childhood or upbringing and became responsible for all of her family from a young age. Her tenancity and entrepreneurial spirit has lead to on many different paths including owning her own beauty salon, sales and TV work.

Losing the business and ending up in debt saw Florentina having to do a big pivot and divine orchestration set her on a different pathway.

She is now a Spiritual Mentor for Leaders, to help them create a blissful life, make a bigger impact, and build thriving communities.

She specialise's in guiding leaders to discover their personal mission and highest potential. And will help them unlock their spiritual, energetic, mental, and material blocks so that they can easily attract people, situations, and experiences that are beneficial.

Florentina has many accolades and strings to her bow. Here are just a few:

– Specialised in over 30 spiritual techniques,

– I have been featured as an expert on FOX TV, TEDx, Medium, and Thrive Global

– Over 15,000 hours of spiritual practice, working with top leaders worldwide

– Possess spiritual abilities to see, transform, and alchemize energy

– Testimonials from leaders, all over the world, I've helped evolve and discover their potential

Her mission is to help as many leaders as possible discover their potential and create thriving communities. She will help with:

– Blocked energetically or creatively

– Attracting unpleasant experiences or toxic relationships

– Unable to set boundaries or prioritize self-care

– Unsatisfied with your professional or personal life

– Not achieving the financial success you desire

– Lacking energy or motivation to make a change

– Facing an important decision and not sure which path to take

If you would like to connect with Florentina you can find her at her:



60 Second Quiz

If you want to know more about Mel Clarke, she is also a Life Purpose Coach & Reiki Practitioner helping people come out of chaos to live guilt free and find their purpose driven direction in life.

You can find Mel on her





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